plastics and rubber products in a factory.webp plastics and rubber products in a factory.webp


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Global Coverage and Local Expertise Helps us to Safely Ship these Vital Manufacturing Materials

Transported to and from every major trade lane, plastic and rubber goods are at the very centre of most modern global supply chains. Plastic and rubber comes in all shapes and sizes, from raw materials to finished items. MSC ship plastics, natural rubber and rubber products all around the world.


From natural polymers to petrochemical derivatives and thermoplastics, these commodities are essential to the manufacture, processing or packaging of products across countless other industries. There is also a substantial industry in the responsible recycling of plastics, rubber and scrap materials, and MSC plays a key role in the management and safe transport of these by-products to safe recycling destinations.

  • Intermodal transportation

  • Cargo Cover Solutions

  • eBL

  • Smart containers

Is it Dangerous to Ship Plastics and Rubber?

If managed efficiently, the shipping process for plastics and rubber products is entirely safe. Ethylene and propylene are transported as small plastic pellets, which are bagged and moved to and from ports and over sea in either our 20 foot or 40 foot steel containers. Polyethylene resin can be transported by truck, barge or train safely to manufacturing facilities to make end products. We take great care when shipping recycled plastics, and do not transport such materials to countries that do not have the infrastructure to recycle it sustainably.

Our experts with a detailed understanding of the procedures needed when shipping plastics and rubber, will ensure that your cargo is transported in a way that meets industry standards and reduces risk to a minimum.

Customer Service Tailored to your Needs

What consistently sets MSC apart is our outstanding customer service. We work hard to build productive relationships with our customers, taking time to get to know their business properly; that way we’re able to offer flexible solutions that reflect their changing needs.

Our 675 global offices are staffed with experienced, knowledgeable teams ready to provide expert guidance on shipping your plastic or rubber products both locally and globally.

Make MSC your Plastics and Rubber Partner

Successfully servicing the huge demand for plastics and rubber materials requires a shipping and logistics operation on a global scale, as well as expert knowledge of the sector. That is why so many of the world’s leading plastic and rubber companies choose MSC as their transport partner.

To find out more about our plastics and rubber shipping service, please get in touch with us today

  • Reliable and well-maintained equipment

  • Specially trained experts

  • Global coverage

  • Fast and reliable transit times